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Creative Activation 


Creative Flow Coach & Energy Healing Professional

Creativity is life's playground, where treasures await discovery. As your Creative Flow Coach, I empower you to unlock your potential through authenticity, innovation, and healing. Let's embark on this journey together.

Everyone has access to creativity, my goal is to help you to enhance this garden of possibilities. Together, we'll uncover answers, discoveries, and breakthroughs. Let me guide you to connect with your creative genius.

David Williams by Lex Mendes, Creative Spiritual Coach & Musician

Energy Healing Service Online

1-to-1 Coaching Program

What My Clients Say

Angel Lebailly - Berlin

"Experiencing the creative coaching program of David, enabled me to see through to my soul; unleashing a new artistic vision, freeing both my heart and mind from anxiety and stress. It helped me to overcome fear and to build confidence ahead of an important music performance. I felt more connected to myself and the audience, which later enabled me to explore new possibilities; thanks to David's guidance on energetic and spiritual levels. David is a true individual with inner gifts and deep spiritual leaning that combines both energetic & shamanic work, helping others to empower themselves towards achieving their highest potential."

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